Raie Al-Shab Newspaper 1998/JANUARY /19
The Children from Dr. Nader Riad’s Preparatory school went on a visit to the city of Luxor. They did not travel by train, and they did not go by Bus, but they flew. And wonderful opportunity, all new, new. The sights in Luxor were great and the children, their supervisors and employees from Bavaria Egypt all counted their blessings. ( Available in Arabic )
Bavaria Egypt’s Chairman, Dr. Nader Riad undertook a much needed initiative In the form of a visit of the children attending his school , together with their supervisors to the city of Luxor. With the children were employees from Bavaria Egypt. The means of transportation was flying, what a chance for all these people, children and employees. The children rose up to the occasion and sang and danced and benefited as much as possible from their visits to the world famous Ancient Egyptian Temples. They were handed the shield of the city as an honorary present.