Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2004/JUNE /07
Small industries in Egypt are not treated or given the same chances as the big ones. The state seems not to be ready to deal with them appropriately, although in most cases, the failure of these industries must be ascribed to their owners’ inexperience. Yet, they are seen as a fundamental part of the country’s economy. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Small industries in Egypt are not treated or given the same chances as the big ones and every meeting held on this subject eventually does not come up with anything concrete. The state seems not to be ready to deal with them, and the laws currently available do not contain useful provisions to save small and medium size enterprises. Yet, in most cases, the failure of these industries must be ascribed to their owners’ inexperience. The finger of accusation is also pointed at the Social Development Fund for not doing enough, while Dr. Nader Riad thinks such enterprises are a fundamental part of the Egyptian economy.