Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2000/APRIL /08

Dr. Nader Riad, a famous industrialist, highlights the importance of providing vocational training to Egyptian workers so that they can stand on an equal footing with their foreign counterparts. Such training is often not available here in Egypt, though, which may be a reason why certain posts in this country are filled by foreign manpower. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Dr. Nader Riad, a famous Egyptian industrialist, talks about foreign laborers in Egypt. He does not object to industries and firms employing foreigners, provided this is economically feasible and there is no alternative. Yet, he believes priority should be given to training Egyptian laborers, thus allowing them to stand on an equal footing with their foreign counterparts. At the same time, he highlights the lack of vocational training programs for Egyptian workers. They end up lacking some important working skills, and this open the door for more foreign manpower working in Egypt.

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