Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2017/SEPTEMBER/25
On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly; I recall a simple mathematical equation of the first level that is applied on an equation if the number of the unknown is “one”, regardless the given number for instance; the area of the rectangle and one of its sides determine the given and unknown of the other side of the rectangle; whilst equations get more complicated ascending up to the equations of the second and third levels and finally reaching to the most complicated differential equations. In our case, President Al-Sisi’s speech at the UN was characterized with sophistication where he addressed the entire world drifting his speech to focus on the Palestinian problem.(Available in Arbic)
The president has directed his speech to the Israeli nation where he placed his simple equation of the first level within a defined context using few explicit words especially on saying: “The security of the Israeli civilian is closely linked with the security of the Palestinian security.” End of equation … As simple as it appears, it has revealed a lot of complications and obscurities that have drifted away most negotiators and settlement mediators who fall into the maze of contradictions and violence whilst each party condemn the other. This easy equation has explained to the simple Israeli nation as well to its elite that the security of individuals and peaceful community is never achieved unless peace becomes mutual between people.