On the theme of “Scientific and Technological Development Policies”, Daqahliya governorate has prepared a working paper titled “Recommendations on the Role of Scientific Research and Technology in the Context of Economic Liberalization Policies”. The paper discusses the growing pivotal role of scientific and technological research from several aspects. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The paper recommended the necessity of uplifting technological and scientific research. It pointed to some important aspects. With respect to human development, it stressed the necessity of the convergence of social sciences and the basic/applied sciences, the development of education in a way that improves students’ analytical potential, the encouragement of talented students and following up their performance, and the development of intensive programs to prepare scientific and technical cadres. With regard to constructive and service projects, the paper stressed the need of reducing the government’s role and restricting it to the production of strategic products, ensuring that research and development would be a basic, effective and stable pillar of production, putting an end to monopoly in all areas of industrial and agricultural production, and establishing free competition. Regarding investment, the paper stressed the need of facilitating the basic services of industrial and agricultural production, firmly applying the rules of conformity of standards to all imported and local goods, giving special support to hi-tech industries, increasing this support as much as is required to increase localization of these industries, and to limit depending on foreign expertise in most phases of construction, implementation and periodical maintenance in modern factories. These are some of the many recommendations noted by the study in the sectors of industry, economy, scientific research and education and training.