Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2006/JANUARY /10

Former German Chancellor Gerard Schroeder’s decision to take on the presidency of the general assembly of the Russian Gazprom Company has sparked huge controversy in Germany. Dr. Nader Riad analyzes the implications of this step and the future prospects for Germany, the EU, Russia and the US. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )

Former German Chancellor Gerard Schroeder has decided to take on the presidency of the general assembly of the Russian Gazprom Company. This decision sparked much controversy in his native Germany for different reasons. Dr. Nader Riad believes that by taking up this post, Mr. Schroeder could indeed make the interests of Germany, Russia and the EU. He might help Germany and Europe meet their demand for energy without depending on the US. At the same time, he would help Russia drill for its huge – yet so far underexploited – gas and oil reserves. Such a scenario, though, would leave the US unsatisfied in light of its economic and strategic interests and relations with these three other parties.

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