Al Youm El Sabe’a News paper 2013/DECEMBER /22
Al Youm Al Sabae Newspaper has published in its issued version dated 22/12/2013 the study that has been prepared by Dr. Eng. Nader Riad about the minimum limit of salaries law project. The study has clarified that the minimum limit of salaries should be raised above familiar poverty line in a sufficient distance so that society can improve life quality of low income standards, therefore, it works on combating poverty on one hand and purchase power generation on the other hand so that it increases production, provides goods and increases sale taxes collection. The study has discussed many axes related to the minimum limit of salaries as well as the maximum limit.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The study has referred that the matter may demand taking sufficient time in the research of the maximum limit of salaries in the frame of its surrounding contrasts, it is stable that in the decrease of maximum limits of salaries lies the limitation of the government and its affiliated ministries ability to obtain competencies they need in respect of rare majors which have their high price nationally known more than locally, as an example, petrochemical industry experts and medicine industry experts and other rare majors the country needs urgently to enter economic launch stage. The study has emphasized the necessity that the government should follow the minimum wage defined by employers, industrial unions and labor unions too since it is a consistent demand that fulfills shared interests between each of the employee, the employer and the country at the same time.. the government didn’t apply the minimum wage before in respect of wages while it obligates the business owners in the private sector to apply it, which is unreasonable, because there shouldn’t be a discrimination in the minimum wage of the employees in the public sector and those working In the private sector for many substantial reasons we can talk about later.