Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 1998/JULY /28
In order to protect individuals and establishments from fire we need to implement the Arab Fire Code. Egypt has made great strides in the use of fire retardant chemicals and in the use of smoke detectors. Still training is needed in fighting fires and the use of extinguishers. The total chaos at fire sites also requires addressing. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Egypt needs to implement an Arab Fire Code setting provisions for buildings to confront fires and crisis. Currently there is a high rate of negligence and total chaos at fire sites. We must avoid recurrent fires in factories and industrial establishments in order to stop the destruction of equipment, unnecessary loss of money and loss of life. Egypt is a pioneer among the Arab world in calling for the use of fire retardant chemicals to be used in clothing and wood products. Also a great development in the mode of detecting fires upon sensing any heat or smoke has been achieved using smoke detectors. High priority is being given to protection of the environment and reducing hazardous emissions. It has been found that there is a general lack of concern for alarm systems, a misunderstanding of actions needed resulting in huge losses. In order to protect individuals and establishments from fire, we need this code as it will set provisions for building from a safety perspective and help determine the placement of fire exits. We also need trained people to use the fire extinguishers. Negligence, accidents and arson are all causes of fires. Coordination is vital when extinguishing a fire.