Al-Ahram Newspaper 2007/SEPTEMBER/10
Al-Ahram Newspaper 2007/AUGUST /27
Unemployment is not only affecting Egypt, but internationally as well, as it becomes a world phenomenon. It has been decided that enhanced training is the basic tool for eradicating unemployment. The German experiment should be taken into deep consideration. ( Availabli in Arabic – German in PDF )
As unemployment rates rise the world is witnessing a phenomenon which must be dealt with head on. Germany has begun to face the issue with the appointment of Dr. Clement as a new cabinet position of Minister of Economy and Labor. Now, action has been taken through a set of regulations working simultaneously, before coming together with one main purpose. The regulations are summarized as follows: expansion of elective early retirement; the approval of a large budget over five years, dedicated to training and qualification; allow industrial companies to reduce working hours; allowing easy loans to finance specific labor activities. In addition, a transformation in the policies of syndicates and unions needs to take place, so that a complete series of actions take effect; beginning with enhancing training opportunities and the qualification of new employees. Such can be achieved through the expansion of our current 150 vocational training centers. Furthermore, the establishment of the Mubarak-Kohl program may be developed in line with the German experiment, which has proved success.