Al-Ahram Newspaper 2005/JUNE /27
At the Arab German Business Forum, an important memorandum of understanding was signed between Germany and Egypt to create an Egyptian German business council which will boost economic cooperation between the two countries in different sectors. The Council’s first joint activity will be an ecotourism project in Egypt’s oases, and will be inaugurated next October by the German president. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
At the Arab German Business Forum, an important memorandum of understanding was signed between Germany and Egypt to create an Egyptian German business council which will boost economic cooperation between the two countries in different sectors. The leaders of the two sides of the council, who signed the memorandum, said the first joint activity of the new-born council would be a joint ecotourism project in some of Egypt’s oases. The head of the Egyptian side, Dr. Nader Riad, is also the chairman of Bavaria. This fire extinguisher company took part in the Hannover Exhibition for Firefighting Equipment, the first time a non-German company had been allowed to be in a pavilion set up by a German industrial union.