Al-Ahram Newspaper 2004/OCTOBER /06

In this article speaks about the recent and expected amendments that Nader Riad, Chairman of the Small Enterprise Committee at the Federation of Egyptian Industries, welcomed to the member states. Dr. Riad expressed the need for these amendments and how their implementation would have a positive impact on the stagnation and activity of certain markets within the industry.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
In this article speaks about the recent and expected amendments that Nader Riad, Chairman of the Small Enterprise Committee at the Federation of Egyptian Industries, welcomed to the member states. Dr. Riad expressed the need for these amendments and how their implementation would have a positive impact on the stagnation and activity of certain markets within the industry. Dr. Riad goes on to discuss the affects of relieving small markets of various taxes and trade laws. He spoke about the possibility in increasing tariff cuts in order to boost export trading between nations.

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