Dr Samir Tubar, chairman of the Economic and Financial Affairs Committee in the NDP, submitted a working paper during the 6th annual working meeting titled “Policies and Management for changing the Egyptian Economy and for achieving an Economic Start”.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The paper reviewed many basic pivots related to policies fitting the upcoming phase for achieving economic advancement. It discussed this issue by following a set path: firstly – setting up policies which raise growth rates and studying their effects on economic variables, secondly – making policies associated with training, education and creating cadres able to raise the performance level and promote human development methods by creating a generation able to continue scientific research and innovation, thirdly – establishing a clear imagination for scientific research strategy and developing technology styles, the conditions of society, the upcoming phase and citizens’ expectations. The paper also recommended the necessity of continuing to provide a stable macroeconomic climate by keeping a balance between the economic structures of society which will lead to development of monetary and financial policies agreed upon in the reforming phase at the start the 21st century. It requires concern with some pivots pushing the development move during the upcoming years until the start of the 21st century regarding rapid development of the national economy. The paper referred to these pivots: Changing management in the sector, which will lead to increasing effectiveness of facilities and raising their performance level. In this regard, it is necessary to study different experiences of countries whether from the east, west or middle east – concerning the implementation of executive programs for national projects in the development of different regions and extending the population away from the valley – achievement in increasing Egyptian exports and benefiting from the experience of countries that achieved high rates of exports.

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