Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2008/JULY /15

In depth discussion into the negative effects of the use of bio-fuel as an alternative source for energy is currently underway. As the advanced countries benefit, the developing and third world countries suffer. It is now time to utilize other means of energy source and abolish the use of bio-fuel, which is consuming human food. Prices in oil and food products continue to rise at an accelerated rate, thus increasing the demand for a solution. We must support the agricultural sector and become self-sufficient in order to successfully face the current crisis. ( Available in Arabic )
The use of bio-fuel as an alternative source of energy is a productive way to deal with the current rise in oil prices. However, this is with the expense of other countries. Bio-fuel is extracted from agricultural commodities, thus resulting in the vast increase in food pricing. However, the fact that oil prices will continue to rise, due to the depletion of oil resources, we are in dire need to find an alternative source of energy; one which will not hinder or negatively affect another country. Experts have put forward varying ideas, such as the following: the use of solar energy, enhancing Egypt’s current wind farms, using the extract of corn remnants and rice straws, and the plantation of the Gazonas. We must support the agricultural sector and become self-sufficient to succeed in the future. The first step now is to begin extensive research into these areas of interest, whereby collecting as much data as possible to ensure all variables are covered, and to guarantee success. Otherwise, we will be on a long, narrow to poverty.

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