Al-Tamwenea Magazin 1994/DECEMBER /01
Dr Ahmed Goueili, Minister of Supply and Internal Trade unfroze the status of the Egyptian Industry and commercial sector when he was given full rein to change the direction of industry as he applied the principle “right will prevail”. Export activity can not be maximized or grow at the external level unless standards are applied to domestic products.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Facing commercial and industrial fraud is the responsibility of every citizen. Egyptian consumer protection, local industry encouragement and national economy consolidation are considered one issue. There is an unprecedented national industry renaissance and the State is hoping it will implement a progressive industrial movement. It should make the necessary changes to deal with the global markets. Negative manifestations provide great revenue such as the marketing and manufacturing of counterfeited or damaged goods and re-manufacturing expired and used components. Consumer protection associations operate under the umbrella of the Supreme Council for Consumer Protection. The Consumer Protection Association, the code of ethics and activity and work lists must be integrated in order to achieve the planned goal.