Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 1998/FEBRUARY /14

Dr. Nader Riad studied Aviation Engineering and received an M.A in Industrial Engineering in the area of Machines and production lines Management. His company was the first company to be established under the Investment Law. This year, he celebrates the silver jubilee of the establishment of the company. Dr. Nader Riad is Chairman of the Bavaria Egypt Company, Member of the Board of Directors of Engineering Industries Holding Company, and Counselor to the People’s Assembly- Industry and Energy Committee.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Dr. Nader Riad studied Aviation Engineering and received an M.A in Industrial Engineering in the area of Machines and production lines Management. His company was the first company to be established under the Investment Law. This year, he celebrates the silver jubilee of the establishment of the company. Dr. Nader Riad is Chairman of the Bavaria Egypt Company, Member of the Board of Directors of Engineering Industries Holding Company, and Counselor to the People’s Assembly- Industry and Energy Committee. Dr. Riad believes the public and particular specialization in industries. He believes that the totalitarian orientation in managing the Egyptian economy has entered it in a long stage decline and the greatest challenge for the Egyptian industry is the essential elements supplement , which are required. They include trained human recourses and database, which can be relied on at the local and international level. Dr. Riad believes that the point of successful export is to export the added value of the national output and to not export raw materials. Moreover, he thinks that the role of the labor organizations is a vital and key role and it is accompanied with desired industrial progress. Dr. Riad believes that dumping is not limited to the international level, but also to on the local level. The following article is script of the interview.

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