Sabah Al-Ker Magazine 2005/AUGUST /02
The Egyptian Prime Minister will inaugurate the Egyptian-German Technology Conference and Exhibition to be held during the first week of October. The purpose of the Conference is to transport German expertise in attracting investments and modernizing German industry. For this reason, the largest German companies of superior technology have been invited to participate. Dr. Nader Riad maintains that this event is in line with the policy of the Federation of Egyptian Industries for raising the competitiveness of Egyptian industry and its ability to compete in world markets.( Available in Arabic )
The Egyptian Prime Minister will inaugurate the Egyptian-German Technology Conference and Exhibition to be held during the first week of October. The purpose of the Conference is to transport German expertise in attracting investments and modernizing German industry. For this reason, the largest German companies of superior technology have been invited to participate. Dr. Nader Riad maintains that this event is in line with the policy of the Federation of Egyptian Industries for raising the competitiveness of Egyptian industry and its ability to compete in world markets.