Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2009/JANUARY /06
It has been affirmed that the recession of oil, iron and metals will result in a profound positive effect on the developed industries dependent on these materials, as well as the consumer. Dr. Nader Riad discusses all aspects of this matter, along with matters associated with the industrial sector. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Dr. Nader Riad affirms that the recession of oil, iron and metals will result in a profound positive effect on the developed industries dependent on these materials, as well as the consumer. Furthermore, he expressed the significance of providing the industrial sector through the utilization of the available unemployed labor. In addition, he expects that the national economy will witness growth, despite the adherence of industrial supply. Additional investment attraction is among the expected outcomes, as Egypt has been recognized as one of the top ten states in relation to acclimatizing business environment.