Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 1999/MARCH /11

There are three domains existing where businessmen can invest. They include the sector for yarns and textiles, the pharmaceutical sector and the sector for the metallurgical industry. Infrastructure is already there, manpower exists and equipment is available. All that is needed is advanced technology experience.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Egypt for Germany does not only denote production and exportation but it consists of projects, production and consumption and the consumer is the population of Egypt. The fields of investment disclosed to German businessmen are numerous, varied and some are massive. Toshka, four waterways, construction of huge haulage stations, seventeen power stations, gas pipelines and the building of airports are all looking for German investment. Egypt now has the abilities necessary to become a basis for production and export to European markets. Egypt wants to help and encourage Germany to establish projects in Egypt. They have the freedom to import limitless German expertise and the freedom to transfer their profit and monies.

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