Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2007/OCTOBER /25

The government’s plan for energy production until 2022 relies almost entirely on fossil energy resources and very marginally on renewable ones. Given Egypt’s huge potentials in terms of sunshine and winds, projects are underway or are being studied to build solar and wind power plants across the country, and the chance may be tempting for investors, too. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Egypt has plenty of sunshine and wind, yet it produces almost all the energy it needs from fossil resources. According to a government plan, this trend should remain more or less unchanged at least until 2022. Yet, efforts are being made to set up plants in different parts of the country to produce solar, wind and hydroelectric energy. With Egypt’s population rising and with oil prices soaring worldwide, new financial measures could be taken to give up fossil energy resources and to turn to renewable ones. Investors may soon be standing in line to take advantage of Egypt’s massive wind and solar energy resources.

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