Tuesday, June 25, 2013 

Dr. Eng. Nader Riad tackled in exhibition the method of Bavaria Company and the story of its industry allover 42 years, this has taken place throughout the Deauville Partnership Investment Conference which was inaugurated by prime minister on Tuesday 25 June in Ministry of Investment, This takes place in the frame of the preparation of Deauville Partnership Investment Conference which is held in London on the coming 16 September in a great Egyptian partnership. The conference discussed the atmosphere of Investment in Egypt, the methods of attracting direct foreign investments and the government efforts aiming at foreign and national investment motivation.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)

Effective aspects of the conference included 3 sessions, the first session has taken place in the frame of the legislations related to the foreign investment in Egypt and the role of bank department in attraction of foreign investments while the second session has exhibited models and experiments of foreign and Egyptian investors, for the third session, it tackled an exhibition of models to encourage investment in both Malaysia and Turkey, the conference has witnessed a high standard attendants including country ambassadors of Group of Eight in Egypt, among which are James Moran, European Unity ambassador, Tim Stew, British ambassador responsible of Arab partnership department in addition to a group of Egyptian and Foreign investors. At the margin of the conference, an Understanding Memorandum has been signed between Arab Republic of Egypt and Islamic Development Bank Group, to enhance the economic cooperation with the bank group throughout the coming five years, where both Dr. Amr Darag, Minister of planning and International Cooperation on behalf of the government of Arab Republic of Egypt and Dr./ Ahmed Mohamed Aly on behalf of the bank group.

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