Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2007/JUNE /18
Al-Watany Al-Yum Newspaper 2007/AUGUST /28
The socialist ideology, which was adopted by Egypt in the formation of its domestic and foreign policy, lacked the driving force of national capitalism, even though it made an industrial breakthrough at the beginning, but gradually ebbed away for the decline of the personal incentive and as a result of the 1967 War. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Throwing a glance at Egypt’s industrial history, we find that the Egyptian industrial program within its organized national framework began in the 1960s through the first five-year plan and the subsequent five-year plans. Through these plans, Egypt launched iron and steel, cement, car, cable, tire, fertilizers, medicinal, machines, workshop equipment, ship-building, electronic, and refractory industries, addition to the industries that existed before that ear, such as textile, carpet, oil, soap, food and manufacturing industries. This industrial planning was accompanied by the establishment of scientifically advanced research units for the steel, construction, building, pharmaceutical and medicinal industries. This also included the development of the National Research Center, the Scientific Research Academy and making education available for free.