Al-Gomhoria Newspaper 2002/NOVEMBER /04

Businessmen and industrialists welcomed the proposals put forward by the National Specialized Councils to the competition and anti-monopoly bill. These amendments would abolish physical punishments, change the name of the bill, allow consumer-protection NGOs to file lawsuits against monopolists, and stipulate the formation of a specialized anti-monopoly agency. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Businessmen and industrialists welcomed the proposals put forward by the National Specialized Councils to the competition and anti-monopoly bill, saying they were in line with the proposals of the business organizations and manufacturers. Some of these amendments would replace physical punishments with economic ones, as is generally the case worldwide. The name of the bill would also be changed to reflect the real scope and goals of this bill. A third amendment would also lead to the formation of an agency regulating competition and prohibiting monopoly. Finally, a fourth amendment would allow consumer protection NGOs to file lawsuits against those businessmen or industrialists carrying out harmful practices.

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