Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2005/JUNE /18

Egypt and Germany signed an agreement to encourage and protect mutual investments between the two countries in addition to a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance and support the economic dialogue between the two nations. The recent agreement would provide the appropriate investment climate and eradicate the obstacles against increasing the joint investments and commercial exchange between the two countries within the framework of the Egyptian European Partnership Agreement. ( Available in Arabic )
Egypt and Germany signed an agreement to encourage and protect mutual investments between the two countries in addition to a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance and support the economic dialogue between the two nations. The recent agreement would provide the appropriate investment climate and eradicate the obstacles against increasing the joint investments and commercial exchange between the two countries within the framework of the Egyptian European Partnership Agreement. On another level, Eng. Rashid Mohamed Rashid emphasized the importance of the agreement on encouraging and protecting investments, pointing that such agreement would ensure attracting German investments to Egypt in various sectors. The Minister added that he has had various discussions with the German Minister of Economy, Volfgang Klement, where they reviewed the positive indicators of the Egyptian economic reform.

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