Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2013/APRIL /15

Dr. Nader Riad, president of Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (CEEBA) clarified that the time has come for Egypt to benefit from the natural resources, including wind and solar energies, especially in tourism sector and water desalting in coastal areas, attracting the attention throughout his private interview with Al Alam Al Youm – on the occasion of holding a conference to announce the decision of middle east of energy work staff in European cooperation organization. The interview discussed the work schedule related to investment in energy of 2020 and other related items. Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Dr. Nader Riad clarified that throughout the past decade, Egypt had added nearly 550 Mega Watt of wind mills thanks to our partners in development, from countries of European union, on top of which, are Germany, Denmark, Holland, Spain, Japan and the United States, Egypt was one of the top of countries all over the world to benefit from clean technology fund valued nearly, 5.2 billion Dollars administered by International Bank. He assured that there is a work schedule to invest in energy till 2020 in the local market of renewable energy usages pointing that Egypt has marketing privileges with local markets throughout agreements with Arab world and COMESA members states and European union and European Free Trade association (AFTA) states which support them, it’s abundant for us a modern industrial basis, a skillful employment of a reduced cost, what makes renewable energy manufacturing and production a profitable choice in Egypt.

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