Alam El Tamin 2013/DECEMBER /08
The security of the Egyptian industry system in order to be qualified to perform the aspired role- maintaining the competitiveness of the Egyptian industries- some of the opinions recently raised calling to minimize some of Egyptian standard specifications claiming that they are difficult to implement. These are some of the issues raised by the newspaper of “world of insurance” in its interview with Dr. Nader Riad who stressed that the bad things that took place and will occur will be resulted in lessons to be learned encouraging the citizens, with different classes, for the importance of stability of the state.(Available in Arabic in PDF-German in PDF)
Dr. Nader Riad emphasized that the chaos has led to very negative results. I expect that the Egyptians will return to their good nature to love order, work and cohere with the state and its institutions in a process for achieving success and progress so that Egypt can restore its position to catch what has been missed of the necessary development for establishing the community of sufficiency and justice to achieve prosperity later on. The interview discussed many of important issues which are connected with the Egyptian economy particularly the industry such as: how to greatly benefit from loans and grants given by the friendly countries for supporting the Egyptian economy, railways sector and its role in development, the small and medium industries and the security of the Egyptian industry against fire risks.