Al-Ahram Newspaper 2002/APRIL /11

In order to raise performance efficiency and increase the competitiveness of Egyptian industries in the local and foreign export markets, a sum of € 450 million has been obtained as external soft loans. Mr. Shafiq Boughdadi, Chairman of Modernization Committee & Deputy Head of Egyptian Federation for Industries, stated that this falls within the framework of efforts exerted by the Federation to provide the necessary funds for the development of the Egyptian industry.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
In order to raise performance efficiency and increase the competitiveness of Egyptian industries in the local and foreign export markets, a sum of € 450 million has been obtained as external soft loans. Mr. Shafiq Boughdadi, Chairman of Modernization Committee & Deputy Head of Egyptian Federation for Industries, stated that this falls within the framework of efforts exerted by the Federation to provide the necessary funds for the development of the Egyptian industry. Funding includes $ 300 million from the Korean Development Bank, and $ 150 million from the Japanese Development Bank, where this sum is to be distributed on companies and factories via Egyptian banks.

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