Al-Ahram Newspaper 2007/DECEMBER /22
Despite being the most valuable asset in Egypt, human resources are underpaid and poorly qualified. To put a remedy, Dr. Riad explains the German strategies to tackle this kind of problem in the past and calls for applying them in Egypt, too, without forgetting, however, that each country has its own economic conditions. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Despite being the most valuable asset in Egypt, human resources are underpaid and poorly qualified. In this regard, Dr. Riad recalls the German strategy to tackle such a problem under the Schroeder government. That strategy was based on holding training courses to (re)qualify new and old workers, providing financial assistance to enterprises in trouble, allowing early retirement to create more job opportunities, and helping recently dismissed workers. These strategies should be applied to Egypt, as well, says Dr. Riad, yet one should never forget that each country has its own peculiar economic conditions.