The Seminar ended with this interesting assertion: What has the West given the East? It is from the East that all Religions emanated, From the East came the invention of paper and writing, and the West confesses to eastern civilization , and where it not for the book of Avicenna ” the Law in Medicine” and where it not for Khwarizmi and many other Arab innovators , Europe would not have crossed to the threshold of the Renaissance. What corresponding innovations has the West presented us with. The West gave us machines, Jeans , Michael Jackson and Madonna!! ( Available in Arabic )

During this very educative Seminar important sociological issues were raised discussed. The first topic was the,” Ego and the ,”Other” and Dr. Isshak Ebeid , Professor of History and Philosophy ,gave a speech in this important gathering, which covered among other topics ,” The Structure of the Ego as regards the Other”. The speech demonstrated how the Other superseded “Other” supersedes that the “Ego “. Dr. Ishak clarified this concept by means of several examples , pointing out that a person who plants rice must have others to buy this rise from him, as well as the manufacturer who produces goods . Hence the importance of the” other “. He said “In my life the, “Other” supersedes the “Ego”. To clarify this he asked , “Where does my “Ego” stand in relation to the, “Other” ? It is, and should be more important . Dr. Ishak pointed out that the concept of the,” Other” does not denote the human being alone, but that it could be, the desk, or the computer, it could also be a plant or animal, or a magic word that affects others and makes petrified hearts pulse ,”Love”.

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