Regarding “Human Development Policies”, Dr Hanafi Suleiman presented two working papers entitled ‘The Perception of Some Youth Towards their Contribution to Mega Development Projects” and “Privatization as a Tool for Administrative Transformation: A Students’ Perspective”. Dr. Samir Abul Foutouh Saleh also presented a working paper “Futuristic Perspective on Developing Egypt’s Education System to Meet Needs of the Transition Phase”.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
In his paper “The Perception of Some Youth Towards their Contribution to Mega Development Projects”, Dr Hanafi Suleiman called on the Egyptian youth to help the political leadership with their thoughts and efforts in mega developmental projects, which affect the current and the coming generations alike. Suleiman’s second study, “Privatization as a Tool for Administrative Transformation: A Students’ Perspective” aims to understand the opinion of some students at the Faculty of Commerce, Zagazig University, on privatization. This was done through a survey of 800 students distributed among the four years of study. The survey consists of two questions. The first six-part question is about the concept of privatization, while the second ten-part question is related to privatization’s possible effects on society. The students surveyed are requested to make a choice between: Agree – Agree to some extent – Do not know. The third working paper was prepared by Dr Samir Abul Foutoh Saleh and titled “Futuristic Perspective on Developing Egypt’s Education System to Meet Needs of the Transition Phase”. It focuses on the system of education in Egypt and the challenges it faces due to the new world order. The study stressed the need to study the economics of education in light of the latest technological developments in information technology and communication. The paper called upon the reformulation of the educational system by examining the relationship between what is spent on education and what society gains from this spending. The study focuses on this issue through the following points: the reengineering of the system of education to benefit from the current developments in information technology and communication, Mubarak’s project as a main pillar in the reengineering of the system of education, and policies and proposals to upgrade the educational system.

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