Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2003/JUNE /19

President Hosny Mubarak has accredited the acceptance of the German First Class Order of Merit granted to the Egyptian man of industry, Dr. Nader Riad from Johannes Rau, the President of the Federal Republic of Germany. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Embassy of Germany announced that Baron Von Maltzahn the German ambassador in Egypt, will award Dr. Riad the Medal in a big celebration on June 23, 2003. Dr. Riad is the first Egyptian business person that succeeded in acquiring the Bavaria Germany, which has many branches in Europe and is specialized in fire fighting equipment. Riad is a member of the National Democratic Party, a Counsellor at the Industries Union at the People’s Assembly‘s Industry and Energy Committee and the Head of the Industrial Committee at the Arab- German Chamber of Industry and Commerce .

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