Al-Ahram Newspaper 2005/MARCH /18
Economy is the backbone of life and the criterion of strength and progress in our contemporary world. No one can deny that what has been achieved from laws, as well as legislative and executive procedures, has left a positive impact on the national economic reform march. ( Available in Arabic )
Among the most important steps taken for our economic reform were establishing the Ministry of Investment, amendments of the Customs Law, introducing the new tax draft law, introducing a law for protecting competitiveness & stopping harmful practices, improvements witnessed by the Stock Market, amending some provisions of the Investment Law, establishing new industrial zones, activating the real estate funding law, applying the Unified Bank Law, abolishing Ministerial Arrêté No. 506 for 2003, decreasing non specific subsidies, introducing amendments to Insurance Law No. 156 for 1998, introducing Labour Law No. 12 for 2003 and introducing Law No. 141 for 2004 for developing small enterprises.