October Magazine 2003/NOVEMBER /02
American domination and the new world order, the occupation of Iraq, concepts of the international legitimacy, the modernization of Egypt and developing the modern Middle Eastern state, the future of the Arab system, humanitarian development and radical reforms, activating Egyptian potential in countering challenges, and the future vision of Egypt and other significant issues were the focus at the 39th Conference for the Higher Administration held in Alexandria under the title: “Egypt and the Regional and International Developments”.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
American domination and the new world order, the occupation of Iraq, concepts of the international legitimacy, the modernization of Egypt and developing the modern Middle Eastern state, the future of the Arab system, humanitarian development and radical reforms, activating Egyptian potential in countering challenges, and the future vision of Egypt and other significant issues were the focus at the 39th Conference for the Higher Administration held in Alexandria under the title: “Egypt and the Regional and International Developments”. Dr. Mufid Shehab, Minister of Higher Education, was the guest of honor at the opening of the conference and he spoke extensively about the problems of education in Egypt and challenges it face. He said, “Education is a thorn issue in every country, not just in Egypt, and most countries are dissatisfied with their levels of education. However, the equation we currently face in Egypt is how to upgrade the level of education qualitatively with a tremendous increase in the number of students. Dr. Shehab believes that non-governmental universities must be established, which are created through donations and do not seek profitability as is the case with most countries, where the famous are non-governmental. Examples of these countries include England, and the US. It should also be noted that when Cairo University was established, it was also a non-governmental university. Speaking about American domination and the new world order, Ahmed bin Helli, Assistant Arab League Secretary General, said on behalf of the League’s Chief, Amr Moussa, that the US hegemony over the new world is based on a universal strategy. This was expressed by Bush by achieving international domination through the deployment of the US forces and drawing up the ideology of power to achieve American interests.

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