Al-Ahram Newspaper 2007/MAY /21
Alam Al-Mal Newspaper 2007/MAY /20
Al-Ahram Newspaper 2007/JUNE /04

The CAEU held a meeting to discuss the Arab economic performance. This was the chance for different participants to call for stronger ties among the Arabs by enhancing liberalized trade and speeding up the process of free circulation of people. There were also calls to raise people’s awareness of intellectual property rights. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU) held a meeting to discuss the performance of the Arab economy. The participants stressed their commitment for further cooperation with the unions forming the CAEU, and praised the Unity’s role in supporting Arab business. Yet, they said more is to be done. There were calls for more trade liberalization, on the way to creating a unified Arab market, and for free movement of people across Arab countries. Dr. Nader Riad, for his part, stressed the importance of intellectual property rights and called for raising people’s awareness on this issue through multiple meetings.


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