Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2005/MAY /28
The article talks about improving vocational safety by using suitable techniques of high efficiency to prevent accidents. It warns against commercial fraud and calls for activating the role of NGOs, accelerating the Commercial Fraud Law, activating the gentlemen agreements of vocational chambers, intensifying government control on production and distribution outlets and considering crimes of fraud as immoral. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The article talks about improving vocational safety by using suitable techniques of high efficiency to prevent accidents, as protecting the Egyptian consumer and encouraging the national industry and the national economy are all one and the same issue that concerns the manufacturer, the dealer and the consumer. It warns against an increasing commercial fraud and calls for activating the role of NGOs in protecting the consumer, proposing new legislations and implementing the resolutions of the Supreme Council for Consumer Protection. It also asks to accelerate issuing the Commercial Fraud Law, activate the gentlemen agreements of vocational chambers and intensify government control on production and distribution outlets, as well as consider crimes of fraud as immoral.