Al-Ahram Newspaper 1994/OCTOBER /04
In this Article, Dr. Nader Riad discussed how Germany has succeeded in a standardized time to perform the greatest operation of rebuilding the modern age has known.. the reform process hasn’t been limited to materialistic urbanization for towns and villages, but it has extended to constitute as well wide ranged operations for economic, social, intellectual and cultural reform, the German people at whole was in insistence, enthusiasm and readiness for getting involved in the battle of reform and urbanization, which is in its vast concept a battle of life in itself.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Dr. Nader Riad said that: Germany was capable to accomplish a new miracle represented in rebuild of the eastern part of it. Eastern Germany has become all over the past three years a model study case of development. What Eastern Germany has achieved all over forty years equals what United Germany in this short period. Recent statistics inform that there are about 17 million persons resort to teach German language in the world and that 11 million persons from this sum live in Medium and Eastern Europe only, the region in Europe where an enthusiasm status for the German experiment prevails. It’s a status of enthusiasm in which many third world countries share including Egypt. Dr. Nader Riad concluded his article indicating that Germany which was defeated in the WW2 fifty years ago continued to fight in the battle of peace since that time.