Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2009/JUNE /21
Al-Watany Al-Yum Newspaper 2009/NOVEMBER /10
ِAl-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper 2010/JUNE /25
Al-Ahram Newspaper 2010/DECEMBER /15
The German environmental organization has recently published a study on water consumption in Germany. It shows that the actual consumption, based on real indicators never taken into consideration before, exceeded all expectations. The previous studies would only show that Germans’ annual direct water consumption per capita did not exceed 4.3 m3, as they used no more than 1,300 litres per year for drinking, bathing, and cooking. As for other visible purposes, the total water consumption did not exceed 3 m3, nearly 3,000 litres.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The German environmental organization has recently published a study on water consumption in Germany. It shows that the actual consumption, based on real indicators never taken into consideration before, exceeded all expectations. The previous studies would only show that Germans’ annual direct water consumption per capita did not exceed 4.3 m3, as they used no more than 1,300 litres per year for drinking, bathing, and cooking. As for other visible purposes, the total water consumption did not exceed 3 m3, nearly 3,000 litres. This new study was carried out by Dr. Jörg Rechenberg, top water expert and advisor for the governmental Federal Environmental Agency. According to Dr. Rechenberg, pro-capita water consumption in Germany is 500 m3 per year and not 4.3 m3. In other words, according to this new study, consumption is more than 120 times higher than previously indicated.