Al-Akhbar Newspaper 1997/OCTOBER /03

Since its reunification seven years ago, Germany has achieved great political and economic results. The efforts to improve the economic situation in Eastern Germany are finally paying off, more private and foreign investors are coming to Eastern Germany, and German imports and exports have both risen considerably. The country has also strengthened its role at the international level (especially in the EU) and has improved its relations with Egypt. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Since its reunification seven years ago, Germany has achieved great political and economic results. It has also been playing a key role in shaping Europe’s future monetary union. This is in line with what German Chancellor Helmut Kohl announced following the German reunification. The German government has been able to cope with the country’s high unemployment rate, especially in the east. It has adopted economic reforms which have allowed the east to improve its economic situation dramatically. Private and foreign investors in Eastern Germany have increased and German imports and exports have both risen considerably. Egyptian-German relations have also improved since the reunification. Germany is Egypt’s second EU partner after Britain and the trade exchange between the two sides is on the rise. Some problems between the two countries remain, though. The most relevant is the WWII mines in the Egyptian Western Desert, as they have not been removed yet.

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