There is a sort of consensus that the future of economic development in Egypt is based, primarily, on industry and services. Egypt enjoys a wide base of services needed for industry, as well as many other resources, which are basic components for industrialization. ( Available in Arabic )
Economic development cannot be achieved at rates surpassing overpopulation and consumption, except by raising production, quantitatively and qualitatively. The government has covered great steps in the realm of economic reform, creating a better investment climate and an appropriate atmosphere for development. Still, more steps are needed, in order to achieve better rates of economic development. The coming phase is very promising, where we aspire to grow into an economic tiger, like the Asian tigers. This study tackles three important fields in the realm of mobilizing available resources, in order to turn Egypt into an economic tiger, namely investment in human beings; solving the problem of unemployment and raising production; defining, distinguishing and encouraging the Egyptian industrialist; & small industries and their major role in glorifying the Egyptian economy.