Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2005/OCTOBER /31

Every year, fires in Egypt cause many damage and victims. Their consequences are also economic, as human and material resources are lost as a result of these accidents. Some experts in this field call for providing factories and all others kinds of buildings with more adequate firefighting equipment. They also see it imperative to train workers to deal with fires and to raise their awareness about these kind of risks. (Available in Arabic –German in PDF)
Every year, fires in Egypt cause many damage and victims. Their consequences are also economic, as human and material resources are lost as a result of these accidents. In many occasions, fires are due to the lack of adequate firefighting equipment and workers’ poor awareness about the risks they may run in their work place. Employers’ carelessness and lassitude just make things worse. Insurance companies obviously play a very important role in compensating for the damage, both in cash and by repairing damaged equipment. Yet, the basic problem remains. More measures must be taken – by the State, too – to provide factories and any other kind of building with adequate and sufficient firefighting equipment, as this will have a positive effect on Egypt’s economy, too.

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