Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 1999/SEPTEMBER/11
Experts and industrialists unanimously welcome the government’s decision to exempt exports from taxes. They believe this move will definitely help Egyptian exporters get access to new foreign markets, yet they also think that even more remains to be done to help manufacturing industries. At the same time, they believe that public incentives are not enough to boost exports without more efforts by the industries themselves to modernize their equipment and qualify their workforce. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Experts and industrialists unanimously welcome the government’s decision to exempt exports from taxes. They believe this move will definitely help Egyptian exporters get access to new foreign markets, also thanks to the other incentives and facilitations provided by the state. Eventually, they think all this will make Egyptian products more competitive at the international level and will help create new job opportunities here in Egypt. Yet, they believe all public incentives and exemptions are not enough without more efforts by the industries themselves to modernize their equipment and qualify their workforce. The government’s tax exemption may help them very much in this sense. Now, some economists think that time has come for the government to pay more attention to the manufacturing industry after years of neglect. In this regard, one of these economists outlines a fourfold program to help manufacturing industries boost their production and invade foreign markets.