Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2005/AUGUST /09
Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2009/MAY /28
The Roman Empire enjoyed success in the fields of economy, administration and legislation. It expanded its empire east and west and maintained a powerful existence. Historians and university intellectuals studied its fall and concluded that scientific or economic position has no bearing on progress achieved by any society. An appropriate healthy environment must be maintained.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Roman Empire was unrivalled in the field of military sciences and enjoyed success in the fields of economy, administration and legislation. Rome expanded its empire east and west and maintained a powerful existence with far reaching borders. As vast as it was, it deteriorated leaving behind antiquities confirming its greatness. Historians and intellectuals studied the reasons behind the fall. The studies resulted in the conclusion that scientific or economic position has no bearing on progress achieved by any society. Attention must be paid to the physical, mental, and psychological health of its individuals by maintaining an appropriate healthy environment.