Saturday, October 23, 2010 

Dr. Nader Riad won chairmanship of the Culture and Information Sector in the Specific Arab Federations’ sectors elections. Eng. Mohamed Saigh Sherbaty won the chairmanship of the Industry and Production Sector, Sheikh Sabah Gaber al-Sabah (Kuwait), Transport Sector and Hani Seif el-Nasr, Investment Sector.(Available in Arabic- German in PDF )

It is worth mentioning that the Culture and Information Sector, which Dr. Nader Riad chairs, includes 10 sectors, namely the Arab Federation for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (AFPIPR), Arab IT Association, Arab Federation for Consumer, Arab Anti-Forgery and Goods Counterfeiting Union, Arab Federation for Wildlife Protection, Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS), Arab Federation for Metrology (AFM), Arab Regional ISPs & DSPs Association (ARISPA), Union of Arab Statisticians (UAS) and Arab Distributors Union.Following the elections, Secretary-General for the Council of the Arab Economic Unity at the Arab League, Ambassador Mohammad al-Rabea held a meeting with sectors’ heads. Al-Rabea said that the coming period will witness a different role for these associations. The five sectors will attend the meetings of the Higher Coordination Committee for Joint Arab Action with the Arab League. In addition, we will call for the participation of these sectors in the activities of the Arab Economic Summits.

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