Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 1994/JULY /25
Small facilities represent a large percent of industrial units all over the world. There is no doubt that such facilities are important and vital in the economic and social development. The countries that have achieved rapid growth are the ones that adopted a general framework, paving the way for small industries to grow and prosper. And this is the way to progress. ( Available in Arabic )
One of the most important national goals is to maximize productive labor opportunities and industrial output. This depends on the capital coefficient: the more capital invested in labor the more industrial output and vice versa. Since small industries are concerned with relatively intensive labor and low capital invested in labor, they are considered the most capable of boosting industrial output and labor in comparison to large industrial facilities that use intensive capital approach. In light of this and taking into account the abundance of job opportunities in Egypt and what is expected at the long-run due to direct population growth rates, we can say that the development of small industries can play an effective role in maximizing laborers and industrial output, as was the case with Japan, China and others.