Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2013/MAY /21
Where we had been and where do we have become from the regime of construction and maintenance of ships and also how the commercial Egyptian fleet corroded which was our center of pride in sixties and seventies and what destination it faced including liquidation of United Arab Shipping company and stopping of government ambitions in the field of navy transportation regarding construction of ships owned by it. This question and others would be discussed in the sense of what the article tackles in research and analysis.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article pointed that despite the defeat of 1967 and the exclusion of the government’s track towards the building of armed forces, this had consumed much of the government’s ability to provide the mechanism of separation and renewal of ships and floating suits, however this matter doesn’t exempt companies of navigation from the accusation of being negligible in construction of alternative ships in the suitable timing depending on self funding and an aspect of loaning. For navy yards and the ability of construction of automated ships that are owned by Egypt to a load of 30 thousand tons, there is no justification for being retreated till we had arrived to what we had stopped at regarding vanishing of these capacities and what warn us against extinction of human expertise and accompanied skills because of old age and not caring about providing new generations to follow that industry and work for continuation of its march. The article emphasized the necessity of activation of Nile transportation by means of providing of small floating suits including Nile boats and ships to transport goods so that they can replace sailing regarding what it is characterized by including slow act in processes of transportation and low volume of loads it may take as well as the government’s providing of ruling regimes and regulations to make those activities flourish, provide funding mechanism for this activity and encouraging coordinate associations which constitute fishermen and professionals so that the work for being committed to code of business conducts ruling this profession as well as tracking to found a new training institute that qualify employees in this field to perform those professions.