Dr. Samir Tobar, Committee’s chairman, submitted a working paper titled “Egyptian Economy’s Shift…Reality and Expectations.” The paper revolved around ideas regarding Egypt’s tendencies in the future and the expected progress and success. It also discussed the method that should be followed to achieve the goals of development, in order for Egypt to be an industrial country with high competitive capabilities and to be among the developed countries.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The paper discussed the challenges facing the Egyptian economy and reviewed the main future economic policies through the following points: Building a strong coherent society, the individuals of which realize the importance of development and partake in achieving it, creating a social environment for citizens to feel free and secure and creating a developed Egyptian community full of trust, faith and self-esteem. Strengthening and promoting democratic life, building a model society to be imitated by several developing countries and boosting high ethics and morale of citizens to enjoy strong ethical and religious values, good quality and exemplary behavior. It also discussed building a mature, liberal and tolerant society, where all Egyptians freely performed their different customs, cultural and religious practices, while at the same time belong to the same country. It also reviewed building a developed scientific society. A society that invents and moves forward not a technology-consumer. It is a society that participates in achieving a future that is scientific and has a technological renaissance. The paper reviewed the building of a development-willing society, achieving economic justice, dividing the country’s wealth among citizens on an equal basis, encouraging all citizens to participate in economic development without distinction and building a society that enjoys economic prosperity with a competitive, dynamic, strong and active economy.

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