Tuesday, March 14, 2017 

The EBA organized a ceremony to honor its members that have joined the association for more than 25 years. More than 300 businessmen attended the celebration. Eng. Ali Eissa, Chairman of the EBA mentioned that the event is to honor members that have exceeded 25 years with the EBA and another event will honor late members of the EBA. From his side, Eng. Hussein Sabour, ex- Chairman of the EBA and the current honorary CEO said that the he took charge of the EBA in 2012 after 1 year of the revolution, and at this time, it was the only association in Egypt that took courageous decisions. He also mentioned that the EBA is unique in its strategy in dealing with problems considering the overall benefit of the society as an utmost goal rather than the benefit of single individuals. The roots of establishment of the EBA go back to 1975, and was ratified in 1979 based on law 1964/32.

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