This is article is an analytical study prepared by Engineer Dr. Nader Riad, Board Member of the Chamber of Engineering Industries at the Egyptian Federation of Industries. In the beginning of his analytical study, Dr. Riad introduces readers to the makeup and history of Egypt as a great agricultural source. The Nile River had become a vital source for irrigation and trade amongst countries, and held the country on strict governance. Egypt has a history with many light and heavy industries, having set up and operated numerous factories in various domains. Vested within its societies are the expertise needed to proceed on sound basis towards the future.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
This is article is an analytical study prepared by Engineer Dr. Nader Riad, Board Member of the Chamber of Engineering Industries at the Egyptian Federation of Industries. In the beginning of his analytical study, Dr. Riad introduces readers to the makeup and history of Egypt as a great agricultural source. The Nile River had become a vital source for irrigation and trade amongst countries, and held the country on strict governance. Egypt has a history with many light and heavy industries, having set up and operated numerous factories in various domains. Vested within its societies are the expertise needed to proceed on sound basis towards the future. This study tackles three important fields in the realm of mobilizing available resources, in order to turn Egypt into an “economic tiger”: – Investment in human beings. How could this be a major national wealth? – Solving the problem of unemployment and raising production, quantitatively and qualitatively, while turning Egypt into a source and supplier of outstanding labor. – Defining, distinguishing and encouraging the Egyptian industrialist. Magnifying the phenomenon of creating the so-called legal person of the industrial society, while dealing with industrialists in a manner that would bring out the best in them. – Small industries and their major role in glorifying the Egyptian economy.

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