Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2001/MAY /28

We live in a globalized world, where everything has a price and the rich usually become richer at the expense of the poor. Dr. Nader Riad, an important Egyptian industrialist, calls for mobilizing all kinds of resources available in Egypt to let the national industry catch up with globalization. He also outlines other main steps to be taken in order to make this industrial leap possible. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF
We live in a globalized world, where everything has a price and the rich usually become richer at the expense of the poor. Dr. Nader Riad, an Egyptian industrialist, diagnoses the ills of his country’s industries and explains what should be done to let it catch up with globalization. First of all, any employer-employee relation must benefit both parties. More industries should be established in different fields, more attention should be paid to technical education, and more funds should be allocated for scientific research. He also suggests that an annual national prize being introduced to reward those companies which produce the best products.

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