Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2005/MARCH /08

At a conference on investment for a safe world in Germany, Dr. Riad tried to attract German businessmen and banks to invest in Egypt. He also stressed the good results that German-Egyptian cooperation could achieve, and underlined how investment could help keep people away from terrorism. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
At a conference on investment for a safe world in Germany, Dr. Nader Riad said some programs were underway in Egypt to attract German banks and businessmen to invest in his country. He said Germany and Egypt integrated each other, with Germany being in the EU market and Egypt providing cheap manpower. He also stressed the importance of investing to provide job opportunities and, consequently, guaranteeing people’s welfare and keeping them away from terrorism. Finally, he added that cooperation between Germany and Egypt could allow striking a balance in their bilateral trade.

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