Nasef Al-Donia Magazine 2006/NOVEMBER /05
Alam Al-Mal Newspaper 2006/OCTOBER /29
Al-Ahram Newspaper 2006/NOVEMBER /06
Dr. Nader Riad has been elected chairman of the Confederation of Egyptian-European Business Associations. Speaking on such occasion, he outlined the Confederation’s main issues of concern in the future: developing Egypt’s human resources and technology, protecting the environment, and setting up two new branches of the Confederation. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Dr. Nader Riad has been elected chairman of the Confederation of Egyptian-European Business Associations (CEEBA). The ceremony was attended by many prominent guests from both the EU and Egypt. Speaking on such occasion, he said the Confederation would mainly focus on developing human resources, protecting the environment, transferring and adapting modern technology so that it can achieve international standards, and setting two new branches of the Confederation. The CEEBA already has a branch in Alexandria.